County Council - Monday 11 March 2024, 5:00pm - Fingal County Council Webcasting
County Council
Monday, 11th March 2024 at 5:00pm
Agenda item :
Start of webcast
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Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
1 Confirmation and Re-Affirmation of Minutes of Council Meeting held on Monday 12th February 2024
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Agenda item :
2 Nominations
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Agenda item :
2 a) Appointment of one Member to The Audit Committee following the resignation of Councillor Punam Rane
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Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Dennison Cllr. Kieran
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Lavin Cllr. Anthony
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
2 b) Nomination of one Member to Membership of Beaumont Hospital Board following the resignation of Councillor Punam Rane
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Dennison Cllr. Kieran
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Lavin Cllr. Anthony
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
3 Councillor J. Hopkins - Staffing for Biodiversity Plan
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Agenda item :
4 Councillor E. O'Brien - Breakdown of the funding model used for the construction of the Rivervalley all-weather pitch and flood lights
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Agenda item :
5 Councillor J. Humphreys - Sports and Recreation Facilities in Fingal
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Agenda item :
6 Councillor S. O'Reilly - Grants available for residents living along the flight path of Dublin Airport
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Agenda item :
7 Councillor T. O'Leary - Swimming Pool Feasibility Study
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Agenda item :
8 Councillor C. Boland - PFAS Chemicals on daa Lands
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Agenda item :
9 Councillor H. Mahony - Procedure for the disposal of deceased animals on Fingal Property
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Agenda item :
10 Councillor P. Mulville - Broadband exclusivity agreements in new build estates
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Agenda item :
11 Councillor B. Dennehy - Criteria used to inform / notify the general public of permission granted to film crews for use of public property
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Agenda item :
12 Councillor B. Dennehy - Fingal's Vacant Site Register
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Agenda item :
13 Councillor B. Ryan - Identification and Mapping of all drains in the County
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Agenda item :
14 Report of Committees
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Agenda item :
14 a) Report of Organisation, Procedures & Finance Committee Meeting held on Monday 12th February 2024
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Agenda item :
14 b) Report of Corporate Policy Group Meeting held on Monday 4th March 2024
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Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Egan Mary
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Egan Mary
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
14 c) Report of Blanchardstown/Mulhuddart/Castleknock-Ongar Services B Area Committee Meeting held on Thursday 7th March 2024
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Agenda item :
15 Financial Matters
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Agenda item :
16 Proposed Disposal of Properties
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Agenda item :
16 a) Notice of proposed disposal of land at Damastown Industrial Estate, Damastown, Dublin 15 to Glenbeigh Records Management Limited
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Agenda item :
16 b) Notice of proposed disposal of land adjacent to Oatlands Gate Lodge, Porterstown Road, Dublin 15 to Mr. Peter Cawley
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Agenda item :
17 Declarations of Roads
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Agenda item :
18 Audit Committee
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Agenda item :
18 a) Audit Committee Annual Report 2023
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Agenda item :
18 b) Audit Committee Charter 2024
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Agenda item :
18 c) Audit Committee Annual Work Programme 2024
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Agenda item :
19 (PARTXI/007/23) Report pursuant to Part XI of the Planning & Development Act 2000 (as amended) and Part VIII of the Local Government Planning & Development Regulations 2001 (as amended) for development of proposed Baldoyle Community Sports Centre and all associated site works on a site of approximately 0.575 ha at the former 'Coast' Estate Marketing Suite, located along the south of Red Arches Road, The Coast, Baldoyle Racecourse Park, Stapolin, Baldoyle, Dublin 13.
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Guest Speaker
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Hopkins Cllr Joan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Tormey Cllr. Aoibhinn
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Hopkins Cllr Joan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Tormey Cllr. Aoibhinn
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Humphreys Cllr. James
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Farrelly Ann Marie
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guest Speaker
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guest Speaker
Tormey Cllr. Aoibhinn
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Hopkins Cllr Joan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carroll, Paul
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carroll, Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Halleran Nikki
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Conroy Cllr. Pamela
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Murphy Cllr. Tony
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Halleran Nikki
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
20 Part 8 of the PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS 2001 (as amended). Proposed Development of a Car & Bicycle Parking Facility at Bremore Castle, Balbriggan, Co Dublin
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Hartigan, Liz
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Hartigan, Liz
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Murphy Cllr. Tony
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
21 Donabate Framework Plan
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Guest Speaker
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mulville, Cllr Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guest Speaker
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mulville, Cllr Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
O'Donoghue Cllr Robert
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Power Cllr. Karen
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Ryan Cllr Brendan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Graves Cllr. Ann
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carey Cllr. Ian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Manton Cllr. Brigid
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Boland Cllr. Cathal
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guest Speaker
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mulville, Cllr Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Farrelly Ann Marie
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mulville, Cllr Paul
Mulville, Cllr Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
22 Festival and Events Funding Scheme and What's on in Events Presentation
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Power, Declan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Power, Declan
Mahony Cllr. Howard
Power, Declan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Dennison Cllr. Kieran
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Manton Cllr. Brigid
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Butler Cllr. Darragh
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Onwumereh Cllr JK
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Humphreys Cllr. James
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Hopkins Cllr Joan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mahony Cllr. Howard
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carey Cllr. Ian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Walsh Cllr. John
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Boland Cllr. Cathal
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Shovlin Cllr Siobhan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Dennehy Cllr. Brian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Conroy Cllr. Pamela
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Kitt Cllr. Tom
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Power, Declan
Daly Mary T
Power, Declan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Power, Declan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Humphreys Cllr. James
Power, Declan
Quinlivan, John
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Quinlivan, John
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
23 Chief Executive's Report
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Farrelly Ann Marie
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Guerin Cllr. Jimmy
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mahony Cllr. Howard
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Conroy Cllr. Pamela
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Walsh Cllr. John
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Humphreys Cllr. James
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Boland Cllr. Cathal
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Dennehy Cllr. Brian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Ryan Cllr Brendan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Lavin Cllr. Anthony
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Farrelly Ann Marie
Storey, David
McAleese, Matthew
Carroll, Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carroll, Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Quinlivan, John
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Daly Mary T
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Lavin Cllr. Anthony
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carroll, Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
24 Mayor's Business - Councillor A. Henchy
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Agenda item :
24 a) Councillor A. Henchy - Fingal Public Relations Campaign on Housing
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Dennison Cllr. Kieran
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Power Cllr. Karen
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Murphy Cllr. Tony
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carroll, Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
25 Conference Report
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Agenda item :
25 a) 2024 National Planning Conference will take place on 18th and 19th April in the Theatre Royal and Tower Hotel, Waterford City
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Agenda item :
25 b) The Suck Valley Way Conference is being held in Hannon's Hotel, Roscommon on 13th and 14th March - theme "The Rise of Loneliness on the Emerald Isle - How community development and planning may be the remedy"
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Agenda item :
26 Correspondence
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Agenda item :
26 a) Letter from Sligo County Council dated 6th February 2024 - Resolution - Provision of Additional Bus Services from Dublin Airport to Sligo at night
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Agenda item :
26 b) Letter from Cork County Council dated 8th February 2024 - Resolution - Hospitality rated be reverted to 9%
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Agenda item :
26 c) Letter from Cork County Council dated 8th February 2024 - Resolution - VAT rate for pub reduced down from 23% to 17%
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Agenda item :
26 d) Letter from Louth County Council dated 19th February 2024 - Resolution - Joint Policing Committees - Local Community Safety Partnership
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Agenda item :
27 Departmental/Ministerial Correspondence
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Agenda item :
28 Councillor C. Boland - Planning Breaches in respect of daa Lands
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Boland Cllr. Cathal
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Boland Cllr. Cathal
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carey Cllr. Ian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Carey Cllr. Ian
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Healy Cllr. David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mulville, Cllr Paul
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mulligan, Cllr Dean
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Mulligan, Cllr Dean
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Graves Cllr. Ann
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Graves Cllr. Ann
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Graves Cllr. Ann
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Humphreys Cllr. James
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Ryan Cllr Brendan
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
McAleese, Matthew
Storey, David
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Boland Cllr. Cathal
Henchy Cllr. Adrian
Agenda item :
29 Councillor A. Tormey - Register of Management Companies
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Agenda item :
30 Councillor JK Onwumereh - Fingal County Wide Sports Recognition Event
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Agenda item :
31 Councillor E. O'Brien - All-weather Playing Facilities Across Fingal
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Agenda item :
32 Councillor A. Donnelly - Dedicated Phone Number to Report Anti-social Behaviour
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Agenda item :
33 Councillor H. Mahony - Accessible Playground Equipment for all Playgrounds constructed from 1st January 2024
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Agenda item :
34 Councillor B. Ryan - Third Party Audit - Appeals and Complaints Systems
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Agenda item :
35 Councillor A Lavin - Vacant and Derelict Grants received by this Council in 2023
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Agenda item :
36 Councillor S. O'Reilly - Introducing a litter fine to users who dispose of disposable vapes
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Webcast Finished