Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services B - Strategic and General Matters) - Thursday 13 March 2025, 2:00pm - Fingal County Council Webcasting
Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Area Committee (Services B - Strategic and General Matters)
Thursday, 13th March 2025 at 2:00pm
Agenda item :
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Agenda item :
1 Confirmation and Re-Affirmation of Minutes of Balbriggan/Rush-Lusk/Swords Services B (Strategic and General Matters) Meeting held on Thursday the 13th February 2025
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
45 a) Applications for Community Funding
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Agenda item :
46 a) Notice of Proposed Disposal of Land At Old Road, Hayestown, Rush, Co. Dublin to Paul Gillen and Julie Gillen
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Agenda item :
46 b) Notice of Proposed Rectification of Boundary at Millfield Shopping Centre, Balbriggan, to Hugh Grady, Henry Grady, Gerard Grady and Annette Grady
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Agenda item :
47 a) Letter Dated 3rd of March from Trinity College Dublin Ref: Councillor P. Mulville - Trinity College Dublin Lands at Santry - Student Accommodation - January 2025
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Agenda item :
48 Councillor T. O'Leary - Plan for Sports Hub, Skerries - AI100772
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Quinn Cllr. Malachy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Ryan Cllr. Brendan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Ryan Cllr. Brendan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Carmel Brennan
Kevin Halpenny
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
49 Councillor E. Dockrell - Youth and Cultural Centre, Donabate - AI099930
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Agenda item :
51 Councillor C. Johnston - Community Infrastructure Audit - Donabate - AI100513
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Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
Agenda item :
49 Councillor E. Dockrell - Youth and Cultural Centre, Donabate - AI099930
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
Mulville Cllr. Paul
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Johnston Cllr. Corina
Agenda item :
51 Councillor C. Johnston - Community Infrastructure Audit - Donabate - AI100513
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Johnston Cllr. Corina
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Mulville Cllr. Paul
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
Agenda item :
49 Councillor E. Dockrell - Youth and Cultural Centre, Donabate - AI099930
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Colm McCoy
Agenda item :
51 Councillor C. Johnston - Community Infrastructure Audit - Donabate - AI100513
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
49 Councillor E. Dockrell - Youth and Cultural Centre, Donabate - AI099930
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Johnston Cllr. Corina
Agenda item :
51 Councillor C. Johnston - Community Infrastructure Audit - Donabate - AI100513
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Ryan Cllr. Brendan
Colm McCoy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Colm McCoy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Colm McCoy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
Agenda item :
49 Councillor E. Dockrell - Youth and Cultural Centre, Donabate - AI099930
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
51 Councillor C. Johnston - Community Infrastructure Audit - Donabate - AI100513
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Johnston Cllr. Corina
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Johnston Cllr. Corina
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Johnston Cllr. Corina
Agenda item :
50 Councillor P. Mulville - Community Training Programmes in this LEA - AI100132A
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Humphries Cllr. James
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Smyth Cllr John
Agenda item :
52 Councillor J. Smyth - Mini Roundabout - Brackenstown Road and St. Cronan's Avenue, Swords - AI100531
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Smyth Cllr John
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Mulligan Cllr. Dean
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Humphries Cllr. James
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Mulligan Cllr. Dean
Mulligan Cllr. Dean
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
53 Councillor J. Humphreys - Development of Paddle Court, Swords - AI100539
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Agenda item :
54 Councillor C. Boland - Women's Refuge Shelters in this LEA
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Fingal Staff
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
Quinn Cllr. Malachy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Murphy Cllr. Tony
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Ryan Cllr. Brendan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Smyth Cllr John
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Newman Cllr. Joe
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Kevin Halpenny
Agenda item :
45 a) Applications for Community Funding
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Rafe Costigan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Maguire Cllr Grainne
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Rafe Costigan
Ryan Cllr. Brendan
Rafe Costigan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
55 Councillor M. Quinn - Bus Turnaround at Mourne View Estate - AI100767
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Quinn Cllr. Malachy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
56 Councillor J. Newman - Report on Emerging Issue Concerning Private Dwellings in this LEA - AI100918
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Newman Cllr. Joe
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Newman Cllr. Joe
Mulligan Cllr. Dean
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Quinn Cllr. Malachy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Smyth Cllr John
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Mulville Cllr. Paul
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Humphries Cllr. James
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Newman Cllr. Joe
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
57 Councillor D. Kelly - Swords Wastewater Treatment Plant - AI100959
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Agenda item :
58 Councillor E. Dockrell - Purchase of Knockdromin House - Lusk - AI099931
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Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Colm McCoy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
59 Councillor C. Boland - Invite Uisce Éireann to attend ACM - Upgrade and Delivery of Wastewater Treatment Works
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Newman Cllr. Joe
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
62 Councillor J. Newman - Report on Waste Treatment Capacity in the Swords Area - AI100919
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O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
Agenda item :
59 Councillor C. Boland - Invite Uisce Éireann to attend ACM - Upgrade and Delivery of Wastewater Treatment Works
Share this agenda point
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Newman Cllr. Joe
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Newman Cllr. Joe
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Quinn Cllr. Malachy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
60 Councillor C. Johnston - Coastal Erosion - Portrane - AI100516
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Johnston Cllr. Corina
Mulville Cllr. Paul
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
Quinn Cllr. Malachy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Ryan Cllr. Brendan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Kevin Halpenny
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Dockrell Cllr. Eoghan
Kevin Halpenny
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Johnston Cllr. Corina
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
61 Councillor J. Smyth - Abbeyvale Estate Green space - AI100881
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Smyth Cllr John
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Corkery Cllr. Luke
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Mulligan Cllr. Dean
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Butler Cllr. Darragh
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Butler Cllr. Darragh
Newman Cllr. Joe
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Humphries Cllr. James
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
Smyth Cllr John
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Agenda item :
63 Councillor P. Mulville - Special Ministerial Powers to Rezone Additional Lands in this LEA - AI101002
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Mulville Cllr. Paul
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Quinn Cllr. Malachy
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Mulligan Cllr. Dean
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Newman Cllr. Joe
Boland Cllr Cathal
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Smyth Cllr John
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Fingal Staff
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Mulville Cllr. Paul
O'Leary Cllr. Tom
Webcast Finished